Is coffee acidic

Coffee is a popular beverage consumed all over the world. It is made by brewing roasted coffee beans, which come from various regions and species of the Coffea plant. Coffee beans contain several chemical compounds that give coffee its characteristic aroma, flavor, and acidity.


Acidity in coffee

Coffee is naturally acidic, and its acidity plays a significant role in determining its taste and quality. Acidity in coffee refers to the presence of organic acids such as malic, citric, and phosphoric acid. These acids give coffee its brightness and fruity or floral notes, and they also help to balance the bitterness of coffee.

However, some people may experience acid reflux or other gastrointestinal issues from drinking coffee due to its acidity. Therefore, some coffee drinkers may prefer to drink low-acid coffee, which has a lower acidity level than regular coffee.

Coffee brewing techniques

Coffee brewing is a simple thing one can brew coffee depending on personal preference here are some tips for it.

  • Drip coffee maker: This is one of the most common and simple coffee brewing techniques. It involves adding coffee grounds to a filter and pouring hot water over them, which then drips into a carafe below. This method can produce mild to medium-strength coffee.  
  • French press: This method involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water for several minutes, then pressing a plunger to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid. French press brewing typically produces rich and full-bodied coffee.  
  • Pour over: Pour over involves pouring hot water over coffee grounds placed in a filter that sits atop a mug or carafe. 

This method allows for greater control over the brewing process and can produce a clean and bright coffee.  

  • Espresso: Espresso is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee under high pressure. 

This method results in a concentrated and bold coffee shot.  

  • Cold brew: Cold brew involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, typically 12 to 24 hours. The resulting coffee concentrate is then mixed with water or milk to create a smooth and less acidic iced coffee.  
  • AeroPress: The AeroPress method involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water for a short period, then using a plunger to press the coffee through a filter. This method produces a clean and smooth coffee with low acidity. 

Coffee History

Coffee is believed to have originated in Ethiopia, where legend has it that a goat herder noticed his goats became more energetic after eating the berries of a certain plant. 

The cultivation and use of coffee spread to the Arabian Peninsula and by the 15th century, coffee had become popular in Yemen. 

Coffee houses began to appear in Mecca and other cities in the Arabian Peninsula, where people could drink coffee, socialize, and discuss politics, religion, and other topics. 

Coffee cultivation eventually spread to other parts of the world, including India, Europe, and the Americas. 

Coffee played a role in the American Revolution when colonists boycotted British tea in favor of coffee. 

Coffee has had a significant impact on economies and societies throughout history, with some countries becoming heavily dependent on coffee exports. 

Today, coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, with an estimated 2.25 billion cups consumed daily.    

Coffee bean varieties

There are two main varieties of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta.

  1. Arabica: Arabica beans are generally considered to be of higher quality and are more widely consumed. They have a sweeter, more nuanced flavor with notes of fruit, berries, and chocolate. Arabica beans grow at higher altitudes and are more difficult to cultivate, which contributes to their higher price.
  2. Robusta: Robusta beans are generally considered to be of lower quality and are used primarily for commercial-grade coffee and instant coffee. They have a more bitter, earthy flavor with notes of nuts and chocolate. Robusta beans are easier to cultivate and are less expensive than Arabica beans.

There are also some other lesser-known varieties of coffee beans, including:

  • Excelsa: Excelsa beans have a tart and fruity flavor and are primarily grown in Southeast Asia.
  • Geisha: Geisha beans have a delicate, floral flavor and are grown primarily in Central America.

Each variety of coffee beans can be further influenced by factors such as the soil, climate, and processing methods used during cultivation.

Understanding the Acidity of Coffee 

Acidity of Coffee 

Acidity in coffee refers to a sour or tangy taste that is present in the coffee. It is caused by organic acids that are naturally occurring in the coffee beans, such as citric acid, malic acid, and acetic acid. These acids contribute to the complex flavor profile of coffee and can enhance the brightness and fruitiness of the coffee.

Acidity in coffee is often confused with pH level, which is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. While pH can impact the taste of coffee, it is not the same as acidity. Coffee is a relatively low-acid beverage, with a pH level of around 5, which is close to that of pure water.

There are a few factors that can impact the acidity of coffee, such as the variety of coffee beans, the altitude at which they were grown, the roast level, and the brewing method. Lighter roasts and methods such as pour-over and espresso tend to produce more acidity in the coffee, while darker roasts and methods such as the French press can result in a less acidic cup.

Overall, the acidity in coffee is a complex and important component of the flavor profile that can enhance the taste of the coffee when balanced with other flavors.

Caffeine and hydration

Coffee is a diuretic, which means that it can increase the frequency of urination and may lead to dehydration if consumed in large quantities. However, moderate coffee consumption (2-3 cups per day) does not appear to have a significant effect on hydration status in healthy individuals.

Caffeine and hydration

It is important to note that while coffee can contribute to your overall fluid intake, it should not be relied upon as the sole source of hydration. Water is still the best choice for staying hydrated, and it is recommended to drink at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water per day.

If you are concerned about staying hydrated while consuming coffee, you can try drinking a glass of water with each cup of coffee or incorporating other hydrating beverages and foods into your diet, such as herbal teas, fruits, and vegetables with high water content.

Causes of acidity in coffee 

Several factors contribute to the acidity of coffee, including the origin of the beans, the roasting process, and the brewing method. Coffee beans from different regions have varying acidity levels, and the acidity level of coffee beans can also change during the roasting process. The brewing method can also affect the acidity level of coffee, with some brewing methods producing more acidic coffee than others.

Side effects of acidic coffee

There are many different effects of acidic coffee on your health some of which are summarised below:

  • Stomach upset or acid reflux
  • Damage to your teeth
  • Weakened bones
  • Interference with nutrient absorption

Measuring the acidity in coffee 

Measuring the acidity in coffee 

Acidity in coffee is measured using the pH scale, which ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. The acidity of coffee typically falls between 4.5 and 6, which is considered mildly acidic. However, the taste and flavor of coffee can vary widely based on the types and levels of acids present in the coffee.

Importance of acidity in coffee flavor 

The acidity in coffee is an important component of its flavor profile because it adds a pleasant, bright, and lively taste to the coffee. When balanced with other flavors such as sweetness, bitterness, and body, acidity can contribute to a well-rounded and complex coffee flavor

Acidity is often described as a “brightness” or “sparkle” in the coffee, and it can enhance the fruity, floral, and citrusy notes in the coffee. For example, a high-quality Ethiopian coffee with bright acidity may have notes of lemon, raspberry, or blueberry that are highlighted by the acidity.

In addition to contributing to the flavor of the coffee, acidity also plays an important role in the mouthfeel and aftertaste. It can create a pleasant and lingering finish that keeps you coming back for another sip.

However, it’s important to note that not all coffee drinkers enjoy high acidity in their coffee. Some people may prefer a smoother and less acidic cup, and there are many coffee varieties and brewing methods that can produce a low-acid or “mellow” cup of coffee. Ultimately, the importance of acidity in coffee flavor depends on personal taste and preference.

Types of acidity in coffee 

There are several types of acidity in coffee that can contribute to its flavor profile: Citric acid: This is the most common acid found in coffee, and it is responsible for the bright and citrusy notes in the coffee. It is often found in high-altitude coffees, such as those grown in Central and South America.

1. Malic acid: 

This acid is responsible for the apple-like and tart flavors in coffee and is often found in coffees grown at higher altitudes, such as those from Ethiopia and Kenya.

2. Phosphoric acid:

 This acid contributes to the sweetness and fruity notes in coffee and is often found in coffees from Rwanda and Burundi.

3. Acetic acid: 

This acid can contribute to the wine-like and vinegar-like flavors in coffee and is often found in aged or over-fermented coffees.

4. Quinic acid:

This acid is responsible for the bitterness and astringency in coffee and is more prevalent in darker roasts.

It’s important to note that the combination of these acids and their concentrations in the coffee can vary depending on the origin, processing, and roasting of the coffee beans. This is why different coffees can have unique and complex flavor profiles.

Low Acid Coffee: Is it Healthier? 

Low-acid coffee refers to coffee with a lower acidity level than regular coffee. Low-acid coffee is made using coffee beans that have a naturally lower acidity level, or by using a special roasting process that reduces the acidity of the coffee. Low-acid coffee is often marketed as a healthier alternative to regular coffee for those with sensitive stomachs or acid reflux.

While some people may prefer low-acid coffee for its milder taste and perceived health benefits, there is no conclusive evidence that low-acid coffee is inherently healthier than regular coffee.

Low-acid coffee is typically marketed as being gentler on the stomach, and maybe a good option for those with acid reflux or other digestive issues. However, the acidity in regular coffee is generally not high enough to cause digestive problems for most people.

It’s important to note that the acidity of coffee is not the same as its pH level, which is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. While coffee is naturally acidic, with a pH of around 5, it is not considered highly acidic compared to other common beverages like orange juice or soda.

Additionally, some research suggests that the organic acids in coffee, including the citric, malic, and acetic acids that contribute to its acidity, may have health benefits such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ultimately, the choice to drink low-acid coffee or regular coffee is a matter of personal preference and taste. It’s important to choose high-quality coffee beans and brewing methods that produce a delicious and satisfying cup of coffee, regardless of its acidity level. There are several ways to reduce the acidity of coffee, including using low-acid coffee beans, choosing a darker roast, using a cold brewing method, and adding milk or cream to the coffee. Other methods to reduce acidity include using a French press instead of a drip coffee maker, using filtered water, and avoiding over-extraction of the coffee during the brewing process. 

Some of the best low-acid coffee beans include Sumatra Mandheling, Colombian Supremo, and Brazil Santos. These coffee beans have a naturally lower acidity level and are often used to make low-acid coffee blends.

Acid reflux from coffee can cause symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, bloating, and a sour taste in the mouth. These symptoms may be more pronounced in individuals who are sensitive to coffee acidity or have pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions.

Reducing acid reflux from coffee

If you suffer from acid reflux and want to continue drinking coffee, there are several steps you can take to reduce its acidity and minimize the risk of heartburn:

1. Choose low-acid coffee beans: 

Some coffee brands offer low-acid coffee beans that are specifically designed to be gentler on the stomach. Look for coffee beans that are labeled as “low acid” or “stomach-friendly.”

2. Try cold brew coffee: 

Cold brew coffee is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for several hours, which results in a smoother and less acidic coffee. This method of brewing can be easier on the stomach than hot brewed coffee.

3. Use a coffee brewing method that produces less acid: 

Brewing methods like a French press or drip coffee can produce more acid than other methods like espresso or pour-over. Consider switching to a brewing method that produces a smoother cup of coffee.

4. Add milk or cream: 

Adding milk or cream to your coffee can help neutralize the acidity and make it easier on your stomach.

5. Drink in moderation:

Drinking too much coffee can increase your risk of acid reflux. Try to limit your coffee consumption to 1-2 cups per day.

6. Drink water with your coffee: 

Drinking water alongside your coffee can help dilute the acidity in your stomach and reduce the risk of heartburn.

7. Wait to drink coffee after a meal:

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can increase the risk of acid reflux. Wait at least 30 minutes after a meal before drinking coffee.

It’s important to note that these tips may not work for everyone, and if you continue to experience acid reflux after trying them, you should speak with a healthcare professional.

Brewing methods to reduce coffee acidity

Some brewing methods that can help reduce coffee acidity include cold brewing, French press brewing, and espresso brewing. Cold brewing involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, resulting in a low-acid coffee concentrate. French press brewing involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water for several minutes, resulting in a smooth and less acidic coffee. Espresso brewing involves using high-pressure and finely ground coffee to extract a small amount of concentrated coffee, resulting in a less acidic coffee shot.

How much caffeine content is present in different types of coffee?

Caffeine is present in all types of Coffees but here are some examples of their caffeine content

Brewed coffee

An 8-ounce (240-ml) cup of brewed coffee contains 70–140 mg of caffeine or around 95 mg on average

Instant coffee

Instant coffee has less caffeine than regular coffee, with 30–90 mg per 8-ounce (240 ml) cup of Espresso

One shot of espresso

One shot of espresso (1–1.75 ounces or 30–50 ml) of espresso packs around 63 mg of caffeine

Also read: Best Espresso Machines: Expert Picks for 2023

Decaf coffee

One 8-ounce (240-ml) cup of decaf coffee contains 0–7 mg of caffeine or around 3 mg on average

Fresh coffee is the best coffee

Coffee left for some hours after being made on the hot plate can be a gut-wrenching experience. So, fresh coffee is always the best option. 

Also read: Caffeine content in Nespresso pods


Coffee contains organic acids that give it a naturally acidic taste. The level of acidity in coffee can vary based on factors such as the type of coffee bean, the roast level, and the brewing method used.

While some people may find the acidity in coffee to be unpleasant or experience negative side effects such as heartburn or acid reflux, others may enjoy the bright and tangy flavors that acidity can provide. Additionally, there are ways to reduce the acidity in coffee for those who prefer a less acidic cup, such as using low-acid coffee beans or brewing methods like cold brew or espresso, which can result in a less acidic cup.

Overall, the acidity of coffee is a complex topic that can vary from person to person and be influenced by a variety of factors. Whether or not someone enjoys the acidity in coffee ultimately comes down to personal taste preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does coffee reduce Inflammation?

Yes, coffee is considered to reduce inflammation to some extent.

Does Coffee Dehydrate You?

No, Coffee does not dehydrate your body. You need such a high amount of coffee for this effect to happen. At least 5 cups of coffee are required per day to dehydrate your body.

Does decaffeinated coffee have the same effect?

Yes, Decaffeinated coffee has the same anti-inflammatory effect.

compounds other than caffeine in coffee may be responsible for this beverage’s anti-inflammatory effect.

Is coffee bad for acid reflux? 

Coffee can be bad for acid reflux for some people due to its acidity. However, not all individuals with acid reflux experience negative effects from coffee, and there are ways to reduce the acidity of coffee to make it less likely to cause acid reflux.

What is the ideal pH level for coffee? 

The ideal pH level for coffee is considered to be between 4.5 and 6, which is moderately acidic. However, the acidity level of coffee can vary depending on factors such as the type of coffee bean, roast level, and brewing method.

What is coffee acidity?

Coffee acidity refers to the flavor characteristic that makes coffee taste bright, tangy, and vibrant. It is not related to the pH level of coffee.

Is coffee acidic or basic?

Coffee is naturally acidic with a pH ranging from 4 to 5.

How is coffee acidity measured?

Coffee acidity is measured by a combination of sensory evaluation and scientific analysis. Professionals in the coffee industry use a variety of methods to evaluate acidity, such as the “cupping” process, which involves tasting and evaluating the flavor of the coffee.

What is the difference between acidic and sour coffee?

Acidic coffee typically refers to coffee that has a high level of organic acids, which can provide a bright and tangy taste. Sour coffee, on the other hand, usually refers to coffee that has been brewed improperly or has gone stale, resulting in an unpleasant, sour taste 

What is the best way to store coffee beans to reduce acidity? 

The best way to store coffee beans to reduce acidity is to store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Avoid storing coffee beans in the fridge or freezer, as this can cause moisture to accumulate and affect the flavor of the beans.

Can I drink decaf coffee if I have acid reflux?

Decaf coffee can be a good option for individuals with acid reflux, as it generally contains less acid than regular coffee. However, it’s important to note that decaf coffee can still contain some level of acidity and may not be suitable for all individuals with acid reflux.

What are some natural ways to reduce the acidity of coffee? 

Some natural ways to reduce the acidity of coffee include using low-acid coffee beans, adding milk or cream, or brewing coffee with cold water instead of hot water.

Are darker roasts less acidic than lighter roasts? 

Darker roasts are generally less acidic than lighter roasts, as the roasting process reduces the level of acidity in the beans. However, this can vary depending on the specific coffee bean and roasting method used.

Can I drink coffee if I have a sensitive stomach? 

Whether or not someone with a sensitive stomach can drink coffee depends on the individual. Some people may find that they can tolerate coffee better if they drink it with food or avoid certain types of coffee, such as high-acid blends.

Is there a specific coffee roast that is less acidic? 

Some coffee roasts, such as dark roasts, tend to be less acidic than lighter roasts. However, this can vary depending on the specific type of coffee bean and the roasting method used.

Can cold brewing reduce coffee acidity?

Cold brewing can reduce coffee acidity, as the lower temperature of the water used in cold brewing results in less extraction of organic acids. This can result in a smoother, less acidic cup of coffee.

Are there any health benefits to drinking acidic coffee?

Coffee is naturally acidic due to its high content of chlorogenic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent cell damage and reduce inflammation in the body. Healthline also notes that coffee consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and some types of cancer.

Does adding salt to coffee reduce acidity?

Adding a pinch of salt to coffee can help to counteract some of the bitterness and acidity, but it won’t completely neutralize it. However, adding too much salt can make the coffee taste salty.

Can drinking too much acidic coffee cause long-term health problems?

Excessive consumption of acidic coffee can cause acid reflux and other digestive issues, as well as increase the risk of cardiovascular problems and insomnia. However, it’s important to note that moderate coffee consumption has been linked to health benefits.

What is the pH level of cold brew coffee?

Cold brew coffee typically has a pH level between 6.0 and 6.5, which is less acidic than hot brewed coffee. This lower acidity level can make cold brew coffee easier on the stomach, especially for people who are sensitive to acidity. However, the actual pH level can vary depending on the type of coffee used and the brewing method.

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