Flat white vs Cappuccino

“A perfect coffee cup with a great friend is the best therapy”

Coffee is the start and end of everyone’s life but it is difficult to choose the exact coffee type that will suit your taste. Each coffee type differs in taste, texture, caffeine, and intensity level. Some prefer black espresso due to its bold notes while others like milk-based beverages due to creamy texture. 

Do you love milk beverages? Are you struggling to choose between flat white and cappuccino? You are at the right place. Scroll down and keep on reading to find out all facts about these beverages and differences between them.  

What is flat white?

Flat white consists of espresso shots and hot frothed milk (steamed milk with small air bubbles). It offers a 5-6 oz coffee cup with a smooth, creamy texture. As it has a bit of foam, it does not offer a velvety mouthfeel. Its features include:

  • Origin: New Zealand or Australia
  • Ingredients: Two espresso shots (1.5 oz), ⅔ steamed milk (or 4-5 oz), and a thin foamy layer (0.5 oz).
  • Strength: Medium
  • Taste: Smooth texture, low density, zero frothiness, and bold flavors.
  • Serving: In a cappuccino cup with a little or no foam.

History of flat white

According to New Zealand, Derek Townsend launched the flat white at DKF Cafe in 1984 while Australia claims that Fraser McInnes coined the term flat white in 1989 in Wellington. Besides this controversy the fact is that after the Second World War, many British and Italians migrated to Australia with their tea and coffee culture. English were not familiar with the cappuccino technique so they applied their tea preparation technique to coffee, creating a flat white (brewed coffee with less foam). At the end of the 80s, the coffee trade became an important part of Aussie culture due to professional pouring technique, foam surface, and Third Wave coffee movement. Regardless of its inventors, the flat white became popular in Britain, the United States, and Canada. 

Variations of flat white

Espresso serves as a base for many beverages and it can be altered to meet your tastes. The variations of flat white include:

  • Starbucks flat white: It includes steamed milk and double ristretto shots.
  • Caramel flat white: It contains dark caramel syrup on top of the light milk foam for a sweet taste.
  • Iced flat white: It involves espresso shots poured over ice and cold milk. It is the best drink for hot summers. 

What is a cappuccino?

Cappuccino came from Capuchin friars, known for their brown robes with large hoods. Cappuccino includes equal parts of espresso shot, steamed milk, and thick milk foam. You can also add whipped cream, cinnamon, or chocolate syrup to enhance its taste. Its features include:

  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: 33% espresso (2 oz), 33% steamed milk (2 oz), and 33% milk foam (2 oz).
  • Strength: High
  • Taste: Creamy, fluffy, and milky texture, balanced character, and strong notes.
  • Serving: 5-6 oz in a cappuccino cup.

History of cappuccino

The cappuccino was launched in the 18th century in Viennese coffee shops. At that time it included coffee, sugar, spices, and whipped cream. Today, the cappuccino you know came in the 20th century. It is an important part of Italian culture and is considered as a morning drink. Cappuccino is a strong drink with a balanced, frothy, and creamy texture. If you want a fluffy coffee with a strong caffeine kick, try cappuccino! 

Variations of cappuccino

The variations of cappuccino include:

  • Wet cappuccino: It includes espresso, more steamed milk, and less milk foam. So it has more liquid.
  • Dry cappuccino: This drink involves espresso, less steamed milk, and more milk foam. It has less liquid and more foamy texture. 
  • Iced cappuccino: It involves espresso shots poured over ice and cold milk. 

You can also add chocolate powder, sugar, cream, or flavored syrups to your cappuccino to experience more iconic tastes. That’s why cappuccino varies from one coffee shop to another. 

Flat white recipe

You can easily brew flat white at home with your grinder, espresso machine, and a little effort. The other factors that involves in the proportion of flat white include:

  • Right milk preparation
  • Selection of good coffee beans as bad coffee will offer a bitter drink.
  • Adjustment of the temperature at 145°F. Try not to exceed 158°F.

So, wake up in the morning, brew a flat white, and enjoy your day!


Ingredients Quantity Get it
Ground coffee beans18-21 gramsGet it on Amazon
Milk100 mlGet it on Amazon


ToolsQuantityGet it
Espresso machine1Get it on Amazon
Aeroccino frother1Get it on Amazon
Cappuccino cup1Get it on Amazon


  1. Extract two espresso shots in the cappuccino cup with your espresso machine.
  2. Pour milk in the frother and prepare thin milk foam (you can also use the steam wand of your espresso machine). 
  3. Slowly add frothed milk (4-5 oz) on top of the brewed espresso (1.5 oz). 
  4. You can also add sugar or other favorite seasonings.
  5. Enjoy your flat white.

Cappuccino recipe

Unleash your inner barista, brew a warm cappuccino cup, and cherish your morning. Let’s try it in your home’s comfort with an easy method and a few ingredients. 


Ingredients Quantity Get it
Ground coffee beans8-10 gramsGet it on Amazon
Milk2 ozGet it on Amazon


ToolsQuantity Get it
Espresso machine1Get it on Amazon
Aeroccino frother1Get it on Amazon
Cappuccino cup1Get it on Amazon


  1. Extract one espresso shot (1 oz) in the cappuccino cup with your espresso machine.
  2. Add milk in the milk frother and prepare thick milk foam (you can also use the steam wand of your espresso machine to create large air bubbles). 
  3. Gradually pour frothed milk on the brewed espresso.
  4. You can also add sugar or other favorite seasonings.
  5. Enjoy your cappuccino.


  • Always use freshly brewed espresso in making cappuccino.
  • Pour the milk foam on top of the espresso with a spoon to create a layered effect.
  • Create a right balance between espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam.
  • The milk should be fresh and cold.

Similarities between flat white and cappuccino

Before proceeding to the difference, let’s talk about the similarities between cappuccino and flat white. They include:

  • Both include espresso and milk.
  • These beverages offer rich flavors and smooth texture.
  • Both offer 5-6 oz brew sizes. 
  • These beverages offer 70-140 mg caffeine content. 

Difference between flat white and cappuccino

Flat White vs Cappuccino

Flat white and cappuccino offer a delicious coffee experience and make your day pleasant. Let’s have a look at which features set apart one drink from another. So, keep scrolling!

1. Ingredients

Flat white contains two espresso shots (1.5 oz), ⅔ steamed milk (or 4-5 oz), and a thin foamy layer (0.5 oz). However, the cappuccino consists of equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and thick milk foam. 

2. Milk content 

Flat white contains 2⁄3 steamed milk while cappuccino contains ⅓ steamed milk and ⅓ milk foam. For these beverages you can use whole, low fat, soy, oat, almond, or any other type of milk. Each type of milk will amaze you with its creamy texture. 

3. Taste

Flat white contains more milk so it offers bold taste, slightly sweet notes, and dilutes your drink. While cappuccino contains a thick layer of milk foam and hits your palate with strong flavors and smooth texture. The milk foam absorbs flavors and amplifies them so this feature makes each beverage taste different. Moreover, cappuccino may also include cinnamon or chocolate powder, making it more flavorful and slightly sweeter.

4. Coffee to milk ratio

Flat white contains 2:3 coffee to milk ratio while cappuccino offers 1:2 coffee to milk ratio. Both offer smooth texture and bold flavors. 

5. Milk preparation

Flat white uses microfoam and offers a signature smooth texture while cappuccino uses dense frothed milk and offers a creamy beverage. To prepare milk for a cappuccino:

  • Add milk to your jug until it is half full.
  • Place a steam wand into the milk, stitch it on, and move it around to increase the milk’s volume.
  • When the temperature reaches 65 degree Celsius, your milk is ready with a thick layer of milk foam.

To prepare milk for a flat white:

  • Add milk to your jug until it is half full.
  • Tilt the jug and switch on the steam wand to create the whirlpool effect for a few seconds, resulting in a smooth microfoam.

6. Texture

Cappuccino has a thick, creamy texture and rich, balanced character due to the presence of frothed milk. Flat white offers smooth, silky texture and a velvety mouthfeel. 

7. Strength

The strength of the coffee depends on the espresso to milk ratio. Cappuccino is stronger than the flat white due to the high espresso to milk ratio. If you want to make your flat white stronger, use a high percentage of espressos and less milk.

8. Calories 

Flat white contains more milk so it offers more calories i.e. 60-200. Cappuccino has equal parts of espresso and frothed milk so it offers 80-120 calories. These calories will change depending on the type of milk, flavored syrups, or other seasonings that is used. 

9. Price 

The price of both beverages depend on the location and coffee shop. Normally, flat white is more expensive than cappuccino due to the high amount of milk. Whatever the price, both drinks are worth the purchase and they are worth-sipping and worth-brewing beverages. 

Comparison between flat white and cappuccino

Flat white and cappuccino are espresso-based beverages and take your coffee game to the next level. Let’s compare them!

Features Flat white Cappuccino 
Origin New Zealand or AustraliaItaly
Espresso shot21
Amount of milk4-5 oz2 oz
Coffee to milk ratio2:31:2
Taste Strong and milkyBold and rich
Texture Smooth Creamy 
Caffeine 70-140 mg70-140 mg
Calories 60-20080-120
Strength Slightly less strongStronger 
Toppings Thin layer of milk foamThick layer of milk foam with dusting of cocoa or cinnamon powder
Price Expensive Slightly less expensive 

The verdict

Flat white and cappuccino are espresso-based beverages and offer a delicious coffee experience. However, the selection depends on your personal taste and preferences. If you want a strong, powerful coffee cup with fluffy, creamy texture choose cappuccino. If you like a light coffee cup with a smooth texture and rich flavors, try flat white. So, grab a cup, brew your favorite drink, and enjoy your day. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a flat white stronger than a cappuccino?

Is flat white the strongest coffee? Flat white contains more milk so it is less strong than the cappuccino. Cappuccino offers strong notes with creamy texture and pleasant mouthfeel. 

Which is stronger: flat white or latte?

Flat white has a high coffee to milk ratio so it offers stronger taste than the latte. Moreover, flat white has two espresso shots and a thin layer of milk foam while latte contains frothed milk. So flat white is more concentrated and offers a stronger taste of coffee. 

Which uses less milk flat white or cappuccino?

Cappuccino has less milk compared to flat white. Flat white contains double the amount of milk while cappuccino contains equal parts of espresso, milk, and milk foam.

Is flat white a latte or cappuccino?

Flat white is a small latte having double espresso shots. However, compared to latte, flat white has less milk and a thin layer of milk foam, offering a delicious coffee experience. 

Which is stronger: cappuccino or latte?

Is cappuccino the strongest coffee? Cappuccino has less milk so it offers a stronger espresso flavor than a latte. The smooth texture, creamy mouthfeel, and robust notes make your day pleasant. 

What’s healthier: flat white or latte?

Flat white has less calories than the latte so it is healthier. It uses less milk than the latte so it offers sharper flavors and rich aromas. 

What is so special about a flat white?

Flat white offers 2:3 coffee to milk ratio so it offers a dominant espresso flavor.  The even blending of milk offers a consistent coffee cup with rich mouthfeel and strong notes. 

Is flat white stronger than macchiato?

What is a macchiato vs flat white? Flat white contains double espresso shots while macchiato contains one espresso shot. Both contain more milk; however, flat white is stronger than the macchiato and offers rich mouthfeel. 

Why is it called flat white?

The names of coffee drinks depend on how Australians refer to their beverages. Regular espresso is called short black, espresso with hot water is called a long black, and espresso with milk is a flat white. Moreover, in the flat white, the thin layer of milk foam is referred to as flat. 

What milk is best for flat white?

The whole milk is best for milk beverages however, you can use low fat milk or other types of milk such as oat, soy, almond, coconut milk, etc. 

Is A macchiato stronger than a cappuccino?

Macchiato contains a dash of milk while cappuccino contains equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. So, macchiato is stronger than cappuccino. 

Does cappuccino have more caffeine than flat white?

Cappuccino contains one espresso shot while flat white contains double espresso shots. So, flat white (120-160 mg) contains more caffeine than the cappuccino (60-80 mg). 

What is stronger than flat white?

Americano may be stronger than the flat white because it uses hot water that retains the strong notes. Milk dilutes the flavor so Americano has robust notes. Moreover, the strength of the coffee depends on the types of coffee beans, roasting, and caffeine level. 

How many shots in a flat white?

Flat white contains double espresso shots (in standard flat white) or double ristretto shots (in Starbucks flat white). So it offers bold coffee flavors, rich mouthfeel, and smooth texture. 

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