
Starbucks is a coffeehouse chain that is well-known for its coffee and other beverages. The company was founded in 1971 in Seattle, Washington, and has since grown to become one of the largest coffeehouse chains in the world, with over 32,000 locations in more than 80 countries.  In addition to coffee, Starbucks also offers a variety of other beverages, including tea, Refreshers, and other non-alcoholic drinks. The company also sells food items, such as pastries, sandwiches, and salads.


Caffè Misto

Caffè Misto is a coffee drink offered by Starbucks that combines brewed coffee and steamed milk. The drink is often compared to a latte but differs in the ratio of coffee to milk used. While a latte is made with espresso shots and a higher proportion of steamed milk, a Caffè Misto uses brewed coffee with an equal or lesser amount of steamed milk. Caffè Misto can be customized with various milk options, sweeteners, and flavorings to suit individual preferences. The preparation method of Caffè Misto involves brewing coffee using a drip coffee maker or a French press and steaming milk using an espresso machine. The coffee and milk are then mixed in a cup, and additional ingredients can be added as desired. Caffè Misto is available in various sizes, including short, tall, grande, and venti, and can be ordered at any Starbucks location or made at home using simple ingredients. Different websites offer helpful information on Caffè Misto, including its ingredients, preparation method, nutritional value, variations, and comparisons with other coffee drinks. Some websites provide recipes for making Caffè Misto at home and offer tips for customizing the drink to suit individual preferences. Overall, Caffè Misto is a popular coffee drink that provides a balanced and smooth taste and can be enjoyed by coffee lovers of all kinds.

What exactly is a Caffè Misto at Starbucks?

Caffè Misto

A Caffè Misto at Starbucks is a coffee drink that consists of brewed coffee and steamed milk in a 1:1 ratio. It is similar to a cafe au lait, but a Caffè Misto is made with brewed coffee rather than espresso shots.

The drink is typically topped with a thin foam layer and can be customized with various milk options, sweeteners, and flavorings. A Caffè Misto is a good choice for those who want a coffee that’s not as strong as espresso but still has a rich flavor. The Bon Vivant Cafe blog describes the drink as a “gentler alternative to a latte” that has a balanced taste and is not too sweet. The Dailydot provides a “latte hack” that suggests adding a pump of flavored syrup or a sprinkle of cinnamon to a Caffè Misto for added flavor. Caffè Misto is often compared to a latte but differs in the amount of coffee used, and Roast Coffee provides a detailed comparison of the two drinks. Your Dream Coffee offers a recipe for making Caffè Misto at home and recommends using freshly brewed coffee and steaming the milk to a creamy texture.  

Overall Caffè Misto is a simple yet satisfying coffee drink that can be customized to suit individual preferences. It is a popular choice for those who prefer a milder coffee flavor or want a warm and comforting beverage without the intensity of espresso.

History of Caffe Misto

Cafè Misto was introduced by Starbucks in the early 2000s as a milder alternative to other coffee drinks. It was designed to appeal to customers who wanted a less intense coffee flavor but still desired the creamy texture of steamed milk. The drink quickly became popular among regular Starbucks customers and is now a staple on the coffee chain’s menu The name “Caffè Misto” is derived from the Italian language, with “caffè” meaning coffee and “Misto” meaning mixed. The drink is made by combining freshly brewed coffee with steamed milk in a 1:1 ratio. Some customers prefer to add flavors such as vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut to their Caffè Misto to enhance the taste.

Caffè Misto is often compared to a café au lait, a traditional French coffee drink that also combines coffee and steamed milk in equal parts. However, the main difference between the two drinks is that café au lait is typically made with brewed coffee and scalded milk, while Caffè Misto is made with freshly brewed coffee and steamed milk.

What ingredients are used to make Caffe Misto?

Caffè Misto is made with just two simple ingredients: 

  1. Freshly brewed coffee 
  2. Steamed milk.

The coffee used is typically a dark roast but can be made with any roast level to suit personal preference. The milk is usually whole milk, but can also be made with skim or non-dairy milk alternatives such as soy, almond, or oat milk. Some customers may also choose to add sweeteners or flavors to their Caffè Misto, such as vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut syrup.

What does Caffe Misto taste like?

Caffè Misto has a milder coffee flavor compared to other Starbucks coffee drinks, such as a latte or a cappuccino, due to the equal parts of coffee and steamed milk used to make it. The steamed milk adds a creamy texture and a slight sweetness to the drink, which some describe as similar to hot chocolate. The taste can be customized based on the roast level of the coffee used, as well as any additional flavors or sweeteners added. Overall, Caffè Misto is a smooth, comforting, and easy-to-drink coffee beverage that appeals to those who prefer a less intense coffee taste.

How is Caffe Misto made?

Caffè Misto is a simple coffee beverage to make. To make a Caffè Misto, Starbucks baristas follow these steps:  

Step 1:

Start by brewing a fresh pot of coffee, using any roast level to suit personal preference. 

Step 2:

While the coffee is brewing, steam the desired amount of milk. Whole milk is the default milk used at Starbucks for Caffè Misto, but customers can choose to use skim or non-dairy milk alternatives if desired. 

Step 3:

Once the coffee is brewed and the milk is steamed, pour an equal amount of coffee and steamed milk into the serving cup. 

Step 4:

Optionally, add any desired sweeteners or flavors to the Caffè Misto, such as vanilla or caramel syrup. 

Step 5:

Serve the Caffè Misto hot and enjoy.

Why is a Starbucks Cafe Misto the best?

Many people enjoy Starbucks’ Caffè Misto for several reasons:  

Creamy and smooth: 

The equal parts of coffee and steamed milk in a Caffè Misto create a creamy and smooth texture, making it a comforting and easy-to-drink coffee beverage.  


The Caffè Misto can be customized with various milk types, roast levels of coffee, and flavors or sweeteners, allowing customers to create a personalized coffee experience.  

Lower in calories: 

Compared to other Starbucks coffee beverages like lattes or macchiatos, Caffè Misto contains fewer calories as it is made with steamed milk and coffee, making it a healthier choice.  


Caffè Misto is one of the most affordable coffee beverages at Starbucks, making it an accessible option for those on a budget.  

Ultimately, whether a Starbucks Cafe Misto is the best coffee choice for an individual is subjective and based on personal preference.

 Is the Caffè Misto right for you?

A Caffè Misto is right for you or not depending on your taste preferences and dietary needs? Here are some factors to consider:  

1. Do you enjoy a milder coffee taste? 

Caffè Misto is made with equal parts coffee and steamed milk, resulting in a milder coffee flavor compared to other espresso-based drinks.  

2. Are you looking for a lower-calorie coffee option? 

Caffè Misto is typically lower in calories compared to other Starbucks coffee beverages like lattes or macchiatos, as it is made with steamed milk and coffee.  

3. Are you lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy? 

Caffè Misto can be made with non-dairy milk alternatives such as soy, almond, or coconut milk to accommodate those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies.  

4. Do you prefer your coffee sweetened or flavored? 

Caffè Misto can be customized with various syrups and sweeteners to create a flavored or sweetened coffee beverage.  

Overall, if you prefer a milder coffee flavor and are looking for a lower-calorie coffee option, Caffè Misto may be the right choice for you. It’s also a good option for those with dietary restrictions who need non-dairy milk alternatives. However, if you prefer a stronger coffee taste or are looking for a more indulgent coffee beverage, you may want to try other Starbucks coffee options.

What are the health benefits of Caffè Misto?

Caffè Misto, like most coffee beverages, can provide certain health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here are some potential health benefits of Caffè Misto:  

Boost in energy:

Caffè Misto contains caffeine, which can provide a temporary boost in energy and mental alertness.  


Coffee is a rich source of antioxidants, which can help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.  

Reduced risk of Type II diabetes: 

Some studies have suggested that regular coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of Type II diabetes. 

Lower risk of certain cancers: 

Studies have also suggested that coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of certain types of cancer, such as liver and colorectal cancer.  

Improved mental health:

Some research has suggested that regular coffee consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of depression and improved mood.  

However, it’s important to note that Caffè Misto can also be high in calories and sugar if sweeteners or syrups are added. It’s also important to moderate caffeine consumption and not rely on coffee as the sole source of energy or mental alertness. As with any food or beverage, it’s important to consume Caffè Misto in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

Caffè Misto


Caffè Misto is a versatile coffee beverage that can be customized to suit individual tastes. Here are some variations of Caffè Misto:  

  1. Flavored Caffè Misto: Caffè Misto can be flavored with various syrups, such as vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut, to add sweetness and flavor. 
  2. Iced Caffè Misto: Caffè Misto can be served over ice for a refreshing summer drink.  
  3. Cinnamon Dolce Caffè Misto: This variation of Caffè Misto features cinnamon syrup and steamed milk for a spicy and sweet drink.  
  4. Skinny Caffè Misto: This version of Caffè Misto uses nonfat milk and no added sugar for a lower-calorie and lower-fat option.  
  5. Coconut Milk Caffè Misto: For those who prefer non-dairy milk options, Caffè Misto can be made with coconut milk for a creamy and nutty flavor.  

Overall, Caffè Misto is a versatile coffee beverage that can be customized to suit individual preferences and dietary needs.

Misto vs. other drinks

Caffè Misto is a unique coffee beverage that is often compared to other popular coffee drinks, such as lattes and Americanos. Here are some key differences between Caffè Misto and other coffee drinks:  

Caffè Misto vs Latte:

Caffè Misto and lattes are both made with steamed milk, but Caffè Misto uses more brewed coffee and less milk than a latte. This results in a lighter coffee flavor with less sweetness.  

Caffè Misto vs Americano:

Caffè Misto and Americanos are both made with hot water and brewed coffee, but Caffè Misto uses more milk than an Americano. This results in a creamier and smoother texture with a light coffee flavor.  

Caffè Misto vs Drip Coffee: 

Caffè Misto and drip coffee are both made with brewed coffee, but Caffè Misto uses steamed milk to create a creamier texture and milder coffee flavor.  

Overall, Caffè Misto offers a unique balance of coffee and milk flavors that sets it apart from other popular coffee beverages.

More coffee drinks to try

 If you enjoy Caffè Misto, here are some other coffee drinks you might want to try:  Cappuccino: 

  • A traditional Italian coffee drink made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam: It has a strong espresso flavor and a creamy texture.  
  • Macchiato: An espresso-based drink with a small amount of steamed milk and milk foam on top. It has a strong espresso flavor with a hint of sweetness from the steamed milk.  
  • Flat White: A coffee drink that originated in Australia and New Zealand. It is made with espresso and steamed milk, but the milk is less frothy than a cappuccino. It has a strong espresso flavor and a smooth, velvety texture.  
  • Latte: A coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk, topped with a thin layer of milk foam. It has a creamy texture and a sweet, mild flavor.  
  • Mocha: A chocolate-flavored coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup or powder. It has a sweet, rich flavor and a creamy texture.  

Overall, there are many different coffee drinks to try depending on your taste preferences

Caffè Misto recipe


  • 1 cup of coffee 
  • 1 cup of steamed milk 


  1. Brew a cup of coffee using your preferred method. 
  2. In a separate container, heat one cup of milk until it reaches a steaming temperature.   
  3. Add steamed milk to the brewed coffee. 
  4. Stir the coffee and milk mixture together. 
  5. Enjoy your homemade Caffè Misto. 

Note: You can adjust the ratios of coffee and milk to your preference. Additionally, you can add flavored syrups or sweeteners to customize the taste of your Caffè Misto.

Note: You can adjust the amount of coffee and milk to your preference. Additionally, you can use any type of milk (such as almond milk or soy milk) and add flavored syrups to customize the taste of your Caffè Misto.

Tips for making the best Caffè Misto

Here are some of the easiest tips to make the best Caffe Misto

1. Use freshly brewed coffee: 

To get the best taste, use freshly brewed coffee instead of re-heating old coffee.  

2. Use the right ratio of coffee and milk: 

The traditional ratio for a Caffè Misto is 1:1, but you can adjust it to your liking.  

3. Use high-quality milk: 

Using high-quality milk will give your Caffè Misto a better taste and texture.  

4. Heat the milk properly:

Heat the milk until it’s hot but not boiling. 

5. Don’t overheat:

Overheating the milk can give it a burnt taste.  

6. Froth the milk: 

Use a frother or whisk to froth the milk and create a creamy texture.  

7. Add flavorings:

You can add vanilla or other flavorings to your Caffè Misto to enhance its taste. 

8. Use a mug with a wide mouth: 

Using a mug with a wide mouth will allow the coffee and milk to mix better.  

9. Enjoy it hot: 

Caffè Misto is best enjoyed hot, so drink it while it’s still warm.

Caffè Misto vs Latte

 Caffè Misto vs Latte

Caffè Misto and Latte are both popular coffee drinks, but they are different in terms of ingredients and preparation. 

  • A Latte is made by mixing a shot of espresso with steamed milk, while a Caffè Misto is made by combining brewed coffee with steamed milk.  
  • The ratio of coffee to milk is also different between the two drinks. A Latte typically has more milk than coffee, while a Caffè Misto has an equal or slightly higher ratio of coffee to milk.  In terms of taste, a Latte is generally considered to be creamier and sweeter due to the higher proportion of milk, while a Caffè Misto has a more balanced taste with a stronger coffee flavor.  

Overall, the choice between a Caffè Misto and a Latte comes down to personal preference and the desired taste and strength of the coffee.

FeaturesCaffè MistoLatte
IngredientsBrewed coffee, steamed milkEspresso, steamed milk, foam
Coffee to Milk RatioMore coffee than milkMore milk than coffee
Espresso ShotsNoneOne or more
FoamLittle to noneSignificant amount
FlavorMilder coffee flavor, creamier textureStronger coffee flavor, more velvety texture
CustomizationLimited options for customizationMany options for customization
Calories (Grande Size)110220
Caffeine (Grande Size)150mg(for a single shot latte)


Caffè Misto is a popular coffee drink that is loved by many coffee enthusiasts. It is made with a combination of brewed coffee and steamed milk and has a smooth and creamy texture. The drink is low in calories and can be enjoyed as a healthier alternative to other coffee drinks that are high in sugar and fat. Caffè Misto can be made at home or purchased at Starbucks and other coffee shops. It is a great drink for those who want to enjoy a delicious and satisfying coffee drink without the extra calories and sugar. With a little practice and experimentation, anyone can make the perfect Caffè Misto at home and enjoy this delicious coffee drink any time of the day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Caffè Misto?

Caffè Misto, also known as Cafe Americano, is a simple coffee drink made with brewed coffee and steamed milk. It’s essentially a 1:1 ratio of coffee and milk, resulting in a smooth, creamy coffee with less intensity than a traditional latte.

How does a Caffè Misto differ from other coffee drinks?

Unlike other coffee drinks, such as espresso-based drinks like cappuccinos and lattes, a Caffè Misto is made with brewed coffee rather than espresso shots. This gives it a different flavor and intensity, making it a milder option for those who don’t enjoy the strong taste of espresso.

How does a Caffè Misto differ from Latte?

While both drinks contain coffee and milk, a Caffè Misto is made with brewed coffee and steamed milk, while a latte is made with espresso shots and steamed milk. This results in a stronger, more concentrated coffee flavor in a latte, while a Caffè Misto is milder and creamier.

What’s the history behind Caffè Misto? 

Caffè Misto has its roots in Europe, where cafe au lait (coffee with milk) has been a popular drink for centuries. Starbucks introduced the Caffè Misto to their menu in the late 1990s as a simple, yet satisfying coffee option.

How do you order a Caffè Misto? 

To order a Caffè Misto simply ask for a “Caffè Misto” at the counter or order it through the mobile app.

Can you customise a Caffè Misto?

Yes, you can customize your Caffè Misto with different types of milk, sweeteners, and syrups to suit your taste preferences.

Caffe Misto with sweet cream?

Yes, you can add sweet cream to your Caffè Misto for an extra creamy and sweet flavor.

Does a Caffè Misto have more caffeine than a latte? 

No, a Caffè Misto typically has less caffeine than a latte since it’s made with brewed coffee rather than espresso shots.

Is a Caffè Misto a healthier option than other Starbucks drinks?

Caffè Misto is generally considered a healthier option compared to other sugary and calorie-laden Starbucks drinks. However, the addition of sweeteners and syrups can increase the calorie count and negate any health benefits.

Can I make a Caffè Misto at home?

Yes, you can easily make a Caffè Misto at home with brewed coffee and steamed milk using a milk frother or stove-top method.

Can I order a Caffè Misto at any coffee shop? 

While Caffè Misto is a popular drink at Starbucks, not all coffee shops may have it on their menu. However, many baristas are familiar with the drink and can make it upon request.

How do I order a Caffè Misto at Starbucks?

To order a Caffè Misto at Starbucks, simply ask for a “Caffè Misto” at the counter or through the mobile app.

Can I order a Caffè Misto with non-dairy milk? 

Yes, you can order a Caffè Misto with non-dairy milk such as almond, soy, or oat milk.

How many calories does a Caffè Misto have? 

A Caffè Misto typically has around 30-60 calories, depending on the size and any added flavorings or sweeteners.

What size options are available for a Caffè Misto?

Caffè Misto is available in the same size options as other Starbucks drinks: Short (8 oz), Tall (12 oz), Grande (16 oz), Venti (20 oz), and Trenta (30 oz). 

Is a Caffè Misto the same as a café au lait? 

Caffè Misto and café au lait are similar but not the same. Both are made with brewed coffee and steamed milk, but a café au lait is typically made with a 1:1 ratio of coffee to milk, while a Caffè Misto is made with more coffee than milk.

Can I get a Caffè Misto iced?

Yes, you can order a Caffè Misto iced. Simply ask for it to be made with iced coffee and steamed milk.

Can an Americano with hot milk be called Caffe Misto?

An Americano with hot milk can resemble a Caffè Misto, but it’s not the same thing. A Caffè Misto is made by adding steamed milk to brewed coffee, while an Americano is made by adding hot water to espresso.

How much caffeine does Caffe Misto have?

The amount of caffeine in a Caffè Misto varies depending on the size and how much coffee is used, but a Tall (12 oz) has around 85 mg of caffeine, while a Grande (16 oz) has around 115 mg of caffeine.

Related: How much caffeine does Nespresso have?

Does Caffe Misto taste sweet?

Caffè Misto does not taste sweet on its own, but you can add sweeteners or flavorings if you prefer.

Is Caffe Misto a flat white?

Caffè Misto is not a flat white. A flat white is made with espresso and micro-foamed milk, while a Caffè Misto is made with brewed coffee and steamed milk.

What milk can I use for my Caffe Misto?

You can use any type of milk you prefer for your Caffè Misto, including dairy milk, almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk.

How long has Starbucks been offering Caffè Misto on its menu? 

Starbucks has been offering Caffè Misto on its menu for many years, but the exact date of its introduction is unclear.

Can you order a flavored Caffè Misto? 

Yes, you can order a flavored Caffè Misto at Starbucks. They offer a variety of flavored syrups, such as vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut, that can be added to any drink, including the Caffè Misto.

What type of roast is typically used for a Caffè Misto? 

Starbucks typically uses its Medium Roast coffee blend for its Caffè Misto, but customers can request a different roast if they prefer.

How does the taste of a Caffè Misto compare to a regular coffee? 

A Caffè Misto has a stronger taste than a regular coffee due to the addition of steamed milk. It has a creamy and smooth texture, with a balance of coffee and milk flavors.

Is it possible to make a Caffè Misto with alternative sweeteners, such as honey or stevia? 

Yes, it is possible to make a Caffè Misto with alternative sweeteners such as honey or stevia. Customers can request their preferred sweetener to be added to the drink.

Can you make a Caffè Misto using decaf coffee?

Yes, it is possible to make a Caffè Misto using decaf coffee. Customers can request their preferred type of coffee when ordering.

Are there any seasonal variations of the Caffè Misto offered at Starbucks? 

Starbucks occasionally offers seasonal variations of the Caffè Misto, such as the Pumpkin Spice Misto during the fall season.

What type of milk is typically used for a Caffè Misto? 

Starbucks typically uses 2% milk for their Caffè Misto, but customers can request a different type of milk, such as soy or almond milk.

Can you order a Caffè Misto with a shot of espresso added? 

Yes, you can order a Caffè Misto with a shot of espresso added for an extra boost of caffeine.

Also read: How to Make Espresso With Keurig: There’s a Trick!

How does the caffeine content of a Caffè Misto compare to other popular coffee drinks?

A Caffè Misto has less caffeine than a latte or a cappuccino, but more caffeine than a regular brewed coffee. The exact amount of caffeine can vary depending on the size of the drink and the type of coffee used.

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