Keurig descaling

If you’re a coffee lover who owns a Keurig machine, you may have experienced the frustrating phenomenon of the “descale” message persisting on your display screen, even after you’ve already descaled the machine. It can leave you scratching your head and wondering if you did something wrong. But fear not, you’re not alone in this dilemma! Many Keurig owners have reported similar issues, and in this article, we’ll explore why your Keurig still says “descale” after descaling and what you can do to remedy the situation. So grab a cup of coffee (hopefully brewed from your fully functional Keurig) and let’s dive in!

How to descale Keurig?

Descaling is a simple process that involves using a descaling solution or vinegar to remove the buildup of mineral deposits from the internal components of the machine. In the following steps, we will guide you through the process of descaling your Keurig machine to help ensure that your coffee tastes great every time you brew a cup.



  1. Power off your Keurig machine and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Empty the water reservoir and remove any used K-cups or pods.
  3. Fill the water reservoir halfway with either a Keurig descaling solution or a mixture of equal parts of white vinegar and water.
  4. Place a large ceramic mug on the drip tray to collect the descaling solution or vinegar solution.
  5. Power on your Keurig machine and start the brewing cycle without inserting a K-cup or pod. Choose the largest cup size available to ensure the descaling solution flows through the entire system.
  6. Allow the descaling solution or a vinegar solution to sit in the water reservoir for about 30 minutes.
  7. After 30 minutes, discard the remaining descaling solution or vinegar solution in the mug and rinse the water reservoir thoroughly with clean water.
  8. Refill the water reservoir with clean water and run a brewing cycle without a K-cup or pod to rinse out any remaining descaling solution or vinegar.
  9. Repeat the rinse cycle with clean water at least two more times to ensure all traces of the descaling solution or vinegar are removed.
  10. After the final rinse cycle, your Keurig machine is now descaled and ready to use.

Also read : Keurig Cup Sizes – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Possible reasons for Keurig still says descale and solutions:

Keurig sensors are still detecting mineral buildupRun additional descaling cycles
Faulty Keurig sensorsReplace the Keurig
User error in the descaling processReset the Keurig


1. Keurig sensors are still detecting mineral buildup

If the Keurig sensors are still detecting mineral buildup, it may be necessary to run additional descaling cycles to completely remove any mineral buildup.

Solution: Run additional descaling cycles

 Follow the instructions for descaling on how to use Keurig, which typically involves using a descaling solution and running the machine through several cycles with clean water.

2. Faulty Keurig sensors

If the Keurig sensors are faulty and are incorrectly detecting mineral buildup, it may be necessary to replace the Keurig.

Solution: Replace the Keurig

Contact the manufacturer for diagnosing and fixing the issue or claim the warranty of your device on Keurig’s official website.

3. User error in the descaling process

If the descaling process was not done correctly, it may be necessary to reset the Keurig. 

Solution: Reset the Keurig

For resetting the machine, follow the basic instructions which typically involve unplugging the machine and waiting a certain amount of time before plugging it back in. Make sure to follow the descaling instructions carefully to prevent further mineral buildup in the future.

Also read: Fix your Keurig: Troubleshooting problems & solutions

How to remove the descale reset on my Keurig Duo?

Descaling your Keurig machine is crucial in maintaining its performance by removing any calcium deposits or scale buildup that can accumulate over time. These deposits, while not harmful, can impede your brewer’s functionality. After descaling your machine, it’s important to turn off the descale indicator light by pressing and holding down the 8 oz and 10 oz buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. This will ensure that your Keurig is ready for use and will continue to deliver the perfect cup of coffee every time.

Tips to keep your Keurig clean

If you’re a Keurig owner, you know that a clean machine is the key to a perfect cup of coffee. Not only that, but it can also extends the lifespan of your brewer. But with daily use, it’s easy for your Keurig to get a little grungy. So here are some tips to keep your Keurig clean:

  • First and foremost, descale your Keurig regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will help prevent any mineral buildup that can affect the performance of your machine.
  • After each use, remove the K-cup or pod holder and give it a good rinse to remove any coffee grounds or tea leaves. You don’t want any old grounds or leaves interfering with your next cup.
  • It’s also important to wipe down the exterior of your Keurig with a damp cloth to remove any spills or splatters. Nobody likes a sticky machine!
  • Another important step is to clean the water reservoir at least once a week with warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly. You don’t want any funky smells or tastes in your water.
  • If you’re not using your Keurig machine very often, it’s a good idea to empty and clean the water reservoir before storing it. This will help keep it in good working order for the next time you want a cup of coffee.
  • And finally, use only filtered or bottled water in your Keurig machine. This will help prevent mineral buildup and ensure a great-tasting cup of coffee every time.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your Keurig machine clean and in tip-top shape, ready to deliver the perfect cup of coffee whenever you need it!

Also read: How To Use A Keurig: Easy Guide to Brewing & Maintenance

Also read: The Best Keurig Coffee Makers of 2023 – Reviewed


Regular descaling, using filtered or bottled water, and keeping your Keurig clean can help prevent the frustrating “descale” message from persisting on your machine. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your Keurig is always in great working condition, delivering the perfect cup of coffee every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clear the descale message on my Keurig?

To clear the “descale” message on your Keurig, fill the water reservoir with fresh water, navigate to “Descale” under “Maintenance” in the “Menu,” and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the descaling process. Once the rinse cycle is complete, press the “Menu” button to exit the maintenance menu and clear the “descale” message.

Also read: How to Make Espresso With Keurig: The Surprising Answer!

Why is the descaling light still on after descaling?

If the descaling light is still on after descaling, it could be due to an incorrect descaling process, faulty descaling sensor, or the need for additional descaling cycles. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for descaling, and if the light persists, contact the manufacturer or a repair service for assistance

Why does my Keurig still say descale after cleaning?

In case the “descale” message is still appearing on your Keurig after cleaning, it may be because the cleaning process was done improperly, or there is a faulty descaling sensor or a requirement for more cleaning cycles. Adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning your Keurig, and if the message still appears, it is best to contact the manufacturer or a repair service for further assistance.

How do I reset my Keurig Plus after descaling?

To reset a Keurig Plus after descaling, simply unplug the machine for a few minutes, then plug it back in and turn it on. This will reset the machine’s internal systems and clear any error messages that may have appeared during the descaling process.

Can I use vinegar to descale my Keurig?

Sure thing! Yes, vinegar can be used to descale your Keurig. Simply mix equal parts white vinegar and water and run this solution through the machine as if you were brewing a cup of coffee. Repeat until the reservoir is empty, and then flush with fresh water to remove any remaining vinegar taste. Keurig also offers its own descaling solution if you prefer not to use vinegar.

Does descaling stop automatically?

No, descaling does not stop automatically. You will need to monitor the progress of the descaling process and manually stop it once it is complete. The time it takes to descale a Keurig can vary depending on the model and the level of buildup in the machine, so it’s important to follow the instructions specific to your Keurig model and to regularly check on the progress of the descaling process.

Is vinegar bad for descaling?

No, vinegar is not bad for descaling. In fact, vinegar is a common and effective household item that can be used to remove mineral buildup and scale from the internal components of your Keurig. However, if you don’t rinse the machine thoroughly after descaling with vinegar, it can leave a vinegar taste in your coffee. If this happens, simply flush the machine with fresh water until the taste is gone.

Can I use vinegar instead of descaling solution?

Absolutely! Vinegar can be a great alternative to a descaling solution for your Keurig. Just mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and run this solution through the machine as if you were brewing a cup of coffee. Repeat the process until the reservoir is empty, and then flush the machine with fresh water to remove any remaining vinegar taste. This can effectively remove mineral buildup and scale from the internal components of the machine. However, if you prefer not to use vinegar, Keurig also offers its own descaling solution.

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